Kindle Book: Garden Box Set #1: Raised Bed Gardening For Beginners
Here is another freebie from Amazon Kindle for those starting out with gardening. This box is free at the time of posting, get it while you can. Garden Box Set #1: Raised Bed Gardening For Beginners +...
View ArticleKindle Book: Herbal Remedies
Free for a limited time at Amazon, Herbal Remedies Kindle Edition. “Herbal remedies are a way for you to stop being so reliant on prescription medication and get more in tune with nature! From curing...
View ArticleWild Edible: Kousa Dogwood
Although this edible is not actually wild, it can be commonly found as a decorative tree planted on properties. The appearance of the fruit on these trees, certainly does not imply that it is edible,...
View ArticleSave $$$ With Home-made Liquid Laundry Detergent Recipes
One way you can save yourself a little money and be a bit more self-sufficient is to make your own home-made cleaning products. In many cases, home-made products work just the same if not better than...
View ArticleThree DIY Garden Structures
Depending on the size of your garden, buying commercial products to support your plants as they grow can put a small dent in your wallet.. You can easily make tomato cages and bean trellis’s at home...
View ArticleGrow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages
People in general are spending more and more time learning how to self-sustain themselves through various means to better prepare themselves for anything life throws at them and in many cases save...
View ArticleDIY Backpacking Turkey Soup in 10 Steps
After Thanksgiving, I do as many other Americans do and cook up a nice big pot of turkey soup, the problem is, I still have 4 quarts canned up from last year since I seem to be the only one in the...
View ArticleHow to save your cold stored food when power goes out
Regardless of where you live, you have likely experienced a power outage due to a major storm and quite possibly also lost some foods as a result. With a little bit of preparation and absolutely no...
View ArticleHow Secure Are Your Entry Locks at Home?
Not all locks are created equal. When purchasing entry locks for your home, don’t cheap out. The video below shows how quickly access can be gained via a simple lock pick set on a “standard” entry...
View ArticleThis Common Driveway Weed is One of Nature’s Most Powerful Survival Plants |...
Plantain, not to be confused with the banana type fruit, also called Plantain, is a plant which can be found almost anywhere. In fact, if you’re not living in the city, it’s kind of hard not to bump...
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